A ceasefire in Gaza is the only way to end the killing and destruction

Without a ceasefire those who survive will be Hamas fighters - prepared and organised for war

This is Dispatches with Patrick Cockburn, a subscriber-only newsletter from i. If you’d like to get this direct to your inbox, every single week, you can sign up here.

I am in favour of an immediate ceasefire in Gaza because I know, having observed many ceasefires over the years, that when people stop shooting at each other, even for a short period, far fewer people are killed and maimed. I have noticed that those who argue against ceasefires – be they in Belfast, Beirut, Baghdad or Gaza – always promise some potential future good that supposedly justifies continuing the present slaughter.

In Gaza, these future benefits include the elimination of Hamas and soon thereafter broader compromises between Israel and Palestinians, outcomes which are unlikely or unknowable. More quantifiable is the scale of the present butchery and destruction with 9,200 Palestinian civilians killed according to the health ministry in Gaza, more than one third of them children, at a rate of about 3,000 a week. A quarter of all houses in heavily populated northern Gaza have been destroyed or damaged, according to an analysis of satellite imagery by The New York Times.

Death and destruction

Many European and American leaders, supported by much of the commentariat, are opposed to a ceasefire, undeterred by the fact that if Israeli bombing and shelling continues at its current intensity, then the number of dead Palestinians in the Gaza Strip could rise to about 30,000 by the end of the year, while the great majority of houses will be turned into rubble.

Opponents of a ceasefire are in practice saying that saturation bombing and shelling on an area slightly larger than the Isle of Wight, into which some 2.3 million people are crammed, should continue until Hamas is destroyed. Once this unlikely event is accomplished, we will supposedly move forward towards a two-state solution negotiated by a newly empowered moderate Palestinian leadership backed by Western and Arab powers.

Those who claim that an ongoing war will make this scenario feasible are either ignorant or untruthful about the real state of play on the ground. Israelis and Palestinians loath each other more today than ever and this hatred and fear will grow even stronger the longer the war goes on. Anything that looks like a compromise on any subject, such as the release of hostages, is liable to be denounced as treachery, especially among those Israelis who believe they can get what they want by force alone.

If the fighting is allowed to continue the political agenda will be dominated by what some in Northern Ireland used to call “the politics of the last atrocity”. Only when the political temperature was lowered by the Northern Ireland ceasefires in the 1990s could talks take place which ultimately produced the Good Friday Agreement. Many objected at the time, claiming that the ceasefires had let the IRA off the hook and a military victory for Britain had been just around the corner, but they were wrong.

A ‘nicer’ kind of war

Opponents of a ceasefire want the war to continue, but somehow it is to become a nicer kind of war. “How Israel does this matters,” said US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Friday. “It is very important when it comes to protection of civilians who are caught in the crossfire of Hamas’s making, that everything be done to protect them and to bring assistance to those who so desperately need it, who are not in any way responsible for what happened on 7 October.”

Blinken and others, who claim to believe that Palestinians and their population centres in Gaza are only accidentally targeted, have not taken on board the nature of mass bombing as conducted by Israel and all other air powers.

Mairav Zonszein, senior analyst on Israel-Palestine in Tel Aviv for the Brussels-based International Crisis Group, writes that “the bombardment of the Gaza Strip, and admission by the Israeli Defence Forces they are going for ‘damage’ and not ‘precision,’ is what is known as the ‘Dahiya doctrine,’ employed by Israel in the Lebanese neighbourhoods of the same name in 2006, as part of a tactic to combat guerrilla terror groups by destroying the civilian infrastructure in which they operate”.

She says that that this technique has been used increasingly in Gaza since Operation Cast Lead in 2009, which left 1,400 Palestinians dead and in the 2014 Israel-Gaza war, when over 2,000 were killed and over 100,000 Palestinians were left homeless.

Governments and their armed forces are seldom honest about why the number of civilian casualties is so high, accusing the other side of using them as human shields or claiming – as Israel did this week after bombing the densely-populated Jabalia refugee camp in northern Gaza, killing or wounding an estimated 100 or more civilians – that it had reluctantly done so because it had been aiming for and had killed a senior Hamas commander. These excuses are impossible to prove or disprove, but such accurate knowledge about the enemy’s whereabouts on the part of Israeli intelligence is suspect, since we know that these same intelligence officers did not know prior to 7 October that thousands of Hamas fighters were massing for an attack.

Israel does not know how to end this conflict

One likely outcome if there is no cessation of hostilities is that they will spread further to the West Bank, Jerusalem and Israel itself. Some 120 Palestinians have been killed on the West Bank since 7 October, according to the United Nations, and the US has called on Israel to rein in armed Israeli settlers raiding Palestinian villages. Palestinians fear another “Nakba” or catastrophe, when an estimated 700,000 of them were expelled or forced to flee in 1948. Expulsion is being increasingly considered by Israeli leaders, especially some in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s hard right government who see annexation of the West Bank as a favoured project. Already populations are on the move as the IDF orders 1.1 million Palestinians out of northern Gaza, who wonder if they will be allowed to return.

Critics of a ceasefire tend to skate over the fact that Israel does not know how to end this conflict. Nobody in the IDF is saying: “Give us another four or eight weeks and we will finish the job.” Gaza may be destroyed physically, part of its civilian population dead or injured and the rest traumatised, but those most likely to survive will be Hamas fighters, prepared and organised for war.

Israeli military strategy is trying to achieve two contradictory aims at the same time: first destroy Hamas, but secondly obtain the release alive of 240 Israeli hostages captured by Hamas. The first objective can only be achieved by launching a much bigger ground operation directed against all the Gaza Strip and fighting house to house – or more likely ruin-to-ruin. Few, if any, hostages are likely to survive such a battle, so the only way to free them is an overall deal whereby there is a mass release of Palestinian prisoners held by Israel – an exchange requiring Israel to negotiate with Hamas, something likely to happen under the close supervision of the US.

One day a ceasefire will come, but probably too late for tens of thousands more people who will have been killed by then.

Further thoughts

 Boris Johnson talks during a Covid-19 media briefing in Downing Street in February 2021. (Photo: Stefan Rousseau – WPA Pool/Getty Images)

American colonists are said to have given the native American Indians blankets infected with smallpox in order to start an epidemic and thereby decimate the native American population. This does not appear to have happened with any frequency and there is no evidence that this early effort at biological warfare succeeded, but the fact that it occurred at all has caused disgust and outrage among all those who learn about it.

Fast forward several centuries and the Johnson government finds that sending untested patients, a proportion of whom will inevitably be infected with Covid-19, into care homes is much more effective than small pox-infected blankets. As always with the Boris Johnson administration, it is difficult to know where the incompetence and stupidity ends and the negligence begins, but the avoidable outcome was that 45,632 care home patients died from Covid-19 related causes in 2020-22, many of whom should be with us yet.

Johnson’s few remaining defenders will of course point out that he did not deliberately kill off elderly people in care homes, but nobody could pretend that they did not die as a direct result of his actions.

It was difficult not to gag with disgust this week watching the proceedings of the Covid-19 inquiry. Blame should also be heaped on those BBC and ITN correspondents who took this ghastly crew seriously and now express shock when it is revealed just how toxic they were during the pandemic. At the time, I read an occasional searing piece exposing what was going on, but not many of them, yet Dominic Cummings said that much of what was discussed in Downing Street was immediately leaked to the press. I wonder why there were more not more revelations.

There were, on the other hand, a few bright spots in the local media such as an article in the Portsmouth News in September 2020, revealing that “the 25 discharged from the Queen Alexandra Hospital and confirmed as having Covid were among nearly 400 released between 1 March and 15 April – with 206 placed in the community with no records held at QA of testing. It was only on April 16 that government guidance changed, with hospital medics told to test patients before discharging them to homes.”

There is no excuse for Johnson – the man “who got the big calls right” – who blathered and hopped from policy to policy every few hours as thousands of people suffered agonies of death and bereavement. Looking back some surprising people and organisations got it right, such as Kate Allen, director of Amnesty International UK, who said in October 2020 – when Amnesty issued an excoriating report on the care home catastrophe – that “the government made a series of shockingly irresponsible decisions which abandoned care home residents to die. Discharged without being tested, thousands of older people were sent to care homes at great risk to themselves and other residents and to staff. The appalling death toll was entirely avoidable – it is a scandal of monumental proportions”.

Beneath the radar

Israeli military vehicles travel near the border with the Gaza Strip on November 3, 2023 in Sderot, Israel. (Photo: Amir Levy/Getty Images)

Part of the shock in Israel at the failure of their armed forces and intelligence services to know in advance and prepare for the Hamas attack on 7 October is because the Israeli public has always had an exaggerated idea of the competence of those who supposedly protect them. I was not in the least surprised by the failure because I always thought that belief in Israeli military efficiency was largely a PR myth easily contradicted by a glance at Israel’s military history.

The country has not won a war decisively since 1973 and its forays into Lebanon between 1978 and 2000 ended in disaster. Its attacks on Gaza in the past did not go too well either. I had an Israeli friend who told me that, for various professional reasons, he had visited every unit in the IDF over the years. “I kept expecting to meet this super-effective army,” he told me, “but I never did.” It was, he added, no better or worse than most other armies aside from a vastly inflated reputation.

I was a correspondent in Jerusalem in 1997 when it emerged that a Mossad spy, who had supposedly been reporting from within the Syria government, had not existed for years. I wrote about it at the time in general terms, but a source gave me further details which I could not officially confirm, claiming that a Mossad officer in Israel had once controlled a highly-placed agent at the heart of Syrian decision making in Damascus, who provided valuable information for some years. He would only deal with this one Mossad officer who would meet him in various European capitals and hand him suitcases stuffed with money in cash.

According to my source, the Mossad bosses were happy with what they were getting and the career of the Mossad officer flourished, but one day the Syrian agent broke contact, never being heard of again, to the distress of the Mossad officer who had been running him. Rather ingeniously, rather than admit to his superiors that his super-source had gone permanently AWOL, the officer in Israel apparently pretended that his agent was still in situ and concocted plausible reports about what was going on in Damascus.

Once he got the Israeli army at least partly mobilised because of completely fictitious account of an impending Syrian attack. Finally, according to the account, the Mossad officer was followed by suspicious colleagues to an assignation with the Damascus superspy in a restaurant in some European city, where it was observed that he had entered the place with a suitcase full of money, met nobody and exited with the suitcase a few minutes later.

Cockburn’s picks

U.S. Speaker of the House Mike Johnson gives a brief statement to reporters about the mass shooting in Lewiston, Maine. (Photo: Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

I found this piece by Thomas B Edsall in The New York Times about the rise of the Christian evangelical nationalist right – one of whom, Mike Johnson, has just become Speaker of the US House of Representatives – fascinating.

This is Dispatches with Patrick Cockburn, a subscriber-only newsletter from i. If you’d like to get this direct to your inbox, every single week, you can sign up here.

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