Red pill or blue? As in The Matrix, on which Free Your Mind is based, two versions of reality are possible here. In one, this lavish dance production directed by Danny Boyle to launch the monumental Aviva Studios, is an eye-popping, innovatively staged reimagining of a cinematic classic and an exciting glimpse of what the cavernous spaces of this estimated £240m venue will be capable of hosting. In the other version, it feels a tiny bit hollow.
This is not a retelling of the 1999 film, in which hacker Neo discovers that humanity has been enslaved by machines, and it doesn’t pretend to be. It is – to reference Boyle’s London 2012 Olympic extravaganza – as much an opening ceremony as a show. Neo (Corey Owens) is here, but the narrative feels almost incidental, Free Your Mind being more a series of large-scale set pieces about mankind’s growing enslavement to technology.
This theme has new resonance in the age of AI, and the production is updated from the movie through the appearance, among other things, of a humanoid Twitter tick, a performer dispensing Amazon parcels and a group of dancers hypnotised by the light of their smartphones.

The question is whether the Matrix branding was artistically necessary to make these points, or whether the scale of the launch – the Studios represent the UK’s largest cultural project since Tate Modern opened in 2000 – required such a big-name reference.
Also of dubious necessity is the opening section featuring Alan Turing (Ian Harris), replete with talk of Manchester being “the home of the machine”. At the new permanent home of Factory International, the creative force behind Manchester International Festival, there is surely enough outward-looking self-confidence to dispense with the localising references.
That said, this first scene – like the rest of the production – looks magnificent. Behind Turing, holes appear in Es Devlin’s clever set, reminiscent of the punch holes that featured in early computing. Later, as the post-interval action moves from the 1600-seater Hall to the vast Warehouse, the audience are dispersed to either side of a giant catwalk-like structure.

Here, the 50-strong cast perform under suspended screens as the score from Michael “Mikey J” Asante, who worked with Boyle on 2012, reverberates in the hangar-like space; an array of technology making possible an ambitious spectacle about the dangers of technology.
Yet perhaps the strongest moment in pure dancing terms comes when choreographer Kenrick “H2O” Sandy, co-founder with Asante of award-winning hip hop company Boy Blue, takes to the catwalk as Morpheus. For a few moments, all eyes are on one man, and his strength is enough to fill this enormous canvas.
At the start of Free Your Mind, Turing questions whether bigger is better. Yes and no. Perhaps in this production, both versions of reality are simultaneously true.