Every July at Radio 1, the breakfast show is given the task of “doing something stupid” for a week. The BBC offers up all its firepower, every department is at our disposal, and the only real brief from the top is: “Make some noise and have some fun.” It’s beyond dream job territory.
We’ve done some ludicrous things over the years. A massive game of hide and seek with Grimmy ranks among my favourites. Kidnapping has been a theme too; twice that’s happened to me. Both times I’ve been locked in an escape room and the listeners have had to help me break out – I’ve often felt like a sitting duck.
Last summer I was sacked from the breakfast show and had to gather puzzle pieces from around the UK to complete a giant jigsaw. With help from the listeners, I was able to win my job back.
You can probably work out the running theme here: the listeners work together to solve the mystery or crack the code. They are silly, magnificent and truly incredible weeks to be part of.
This year, instead of being sacked and having to win my show back, the tables were turned and I was the only DJ left on the station until I could find the rest. I was on air all day on Monday until I could locate another presenter to help me out. “FINALLY putting in a proper day’s work, Greg!” cried the listeners who take the piss out of me in the exact same way my friends do.
That’s one of the remarkable things about Radio 1’s listeners, we treat each other like friends. I’m not for one minute suggesting that other radio stations and podcasts don’t have fantastic communities of listeners: that would be arrogant and untrue. But I firmly believe that Radio 1 shares a unique and very special relationship with the people that listen to it. I should know, I’ve been on it long enough.
And before that, I was on the other side listening to it since I was a child. Oh God. Most of my life has been spent being completely obsessed with this radio station. I’ve never thought of it like this, please excuse me while I go and have an existential crisis.
Let’s park that for later/the therapist. Back to the challenge itself then. How did “Radio 1’s Giant DJ Hunt” become my favourite week on air, potentially ever? For starters, the idea is funny but so brilliantly simple. It’s also something that not many other radio stations (if any) would entertain. But with Radio 1, everyone loves mucking in, and the people who listen muck in more than anyone. Their buy-in is key to it.
They trust us to try new things with them. If the listeners don’t trust you (or worse, don’t want you to try something different) you have to just keep the feel-good turned up and give away cash via a premium rate phone number. And that’s… my idea of hell.
Some of the DJ hiding places were ludicrous. Some were hiding out in Amsterdam at the Coldplay stadium show, others were sneaking around on the Isle of Wight, the Tayto factory in Northern Ireland, and some Roman ruins in Wales. Listeners helped find DJs at the Ashes at Old Trafford and on a load of open-top buses in Bournemouth, and some of my colleagues were even spotted DJing in a branch of Greggs.
The other great part of this challenge was that I ended up technically being the boss for the week, which turned out to be terrifying. Fair play to our actual boss, Aled, for letting this happen. Every time a DJ was found, it was my job to fill the holes in the schedule. It was genuinely a joy to listen to some of the presenters at different times of the day and in pairings we’d never heard before.
Everyone sounded like they were having a great time, and I think they genuinely were. Newer presenters were paired with more experienced ones, night time regulars were brought into the daytime and the whole thing just… worked. What a treat!
Day-to-day, although we talk about each other’s shows a lot on air, we’re all rarely in the same place for any length of time. So when we have an excuse to get together you really feel the power of the team. Radio 1 truly is greater than the sum of its parts. And that’s saying something because all its parts are brilliant. The listeners seem to love it too. All their DJ pals hanging out together messing around with one of the oldest radio stations in the world – we’re lucky we have a load of listeners that love nonsense like this.
The plot point to heighten the tension was that if I couldn’t locate the final DJ by midday on Friday, Radio 1 would go off. Off off. What? Surely not, that would never be allowed to happen. Well, as it turned out, I missed the deadline and they went through with their threat. Radio 1 went off for five minutes, something which has never happened before.
I love that management realised the fun in that. We’ve never seen so many messages. Ridiculous numbers of views on the videos of it on TikTok and Instagram. Loads of hysterical tabloid articles about me breaking Radio 1. Perfect, job done. I’m so pleased it caused a fuss.
The thing that gave me the most satisfaction was the realisation that every single person at Radio 1, both on and off air, felt like it was something they could contribute to. And crucially, felt like they were allowed to have fun with it. As one of the more established presenters, I love that part of my role is to help everyone else find their own version of the joy the station has given me over the years.
When I was just starting out, I used to approach that place with a very self-centred attitude of “what can this place do for me?” Understandable, I suppose – I was trying to find my way. But as I’ve grown up, I’ve realised the immense power of welcoming everyone to the party. And last week was our best party yet. Time to start planning the next one.
Greg James presents Radio 1 Breakfast for the BBC