Monica Wilde is making a “forager’s pot noodle”. She boils up frozen sea spaghetti (a type of seaweed), stirs through some rosehip puree and voilà! dinner is served. This is standard fare for the Scotland-based foraging expert who, in 2021, lived for an entire year on wild food.
“When I started, I expected hardship. Instead, I found abundance,” she says. “The diet revitalised me. I went from overweight to a healthy BMI and my gut health improved no end.”
Eager to spread the word, Wilde launched the Wildbiome Project in March this year, inviting 26 skilled foragers to eat nothing but foraged food for three months. With support from celebrated scientist Professor Tim Spector, participants monitored the effect on their gut microbiome, blood sugar and body fat. The results were wildly compelling.
But before we delve into the data, an overview of the rules: food had to be wild, but not necessarily fresh. All participants had freezers stocked with fruits, berries, seaweed and (in one case) roadkill badger.
Their cupboards, meanwhile, brimmed with dried mushrooms, nuts, acorn flour and preserves (hawthorn ketchup, anyone?). Meat and fish, such as trout, venison, rabbit and pigeon were all on the menu – so long as they were wild. Wild-bird eggs, however, were not – given that it is illegal to eat them. Instead, foragers supplemented with organic chicken eggs. Sugars (an occasional treat) mostly consisted of tree syrups. As a result, diets were low in carbohydrates and high in protein, plus a huge range of plants.
Naturally, participants lost weight. Those classified as obese lost an average of 5.6kg (and an impressive 16 per cent of their body weight). “Very few things manage a 16 per cent drop in your weight, apart from surgery, or these new appetite suppressant drugs [like Ozempic or Wegovy],” noted Spector in his analysis of the results.
Richard Mawby (@foragefrolics), from Northamptonshire, lost an impressive 20kg (44lbs). But far from fasting, the 33-year-old foraging teacher feasted on seasonal delights like St George’s mushrooms, venison, rabbit, pigeon and wild greens like nettle, garlic mustard and wild garlic.
He even ground acorns and pendulous sedge seeds to make cookies (“my favourite snack!”), getting in plenty of exercise by gathering ingredients.
What participants lost in weight, they gained in beneficial gut microbes (measured via stool samples at the beginning and end of the project). This could, in part, be down to the diversity of a wild diet: while Spector recommends eating at least 30 plants a week for optimal gut health, Monica averages at least 45 – and during her wild year ate over 300.
As a result, her gut microbiome soared, with her oxalobacter (the bacteria that breaks down oxalates) increasing by a whopping 1000 per cent when wild greens like sorrel and purslane came out in spring.
More astonishing still were Mathew Rooney’s results (@rooney.matthew). Diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in 2018, within 10 days of the challenge he had regained pre-diabetic blood status – shrinking his HbA1C (blood glucose) level from a diabetic 65 to a normal 40.
“This is a rapid change,” said Spector. “These stories are empowering because they show us that… within a few weeks [of avoiding ultra-processed food] you’ll start to feel better.”

Rooney, a 60-year-old foraging teacher, credits a diet of wild meat and veg stews for this dramatic turnaround – full of lesser-known ingredients like sea aster [a flowering plant] and marsh woundwort tubers [an indigenous shrub]. He also enjoyed chickweed [a weed] and bittercress salads, snacking on acorn flour crackers, venison biltong, smoked pigeon and pickled mushrooms.
All this – and he only spent 20 minutes a day foraging – amounting to around two hours each week. “Most was in the garden or within a mile of my home in central Scotland, with an occasional trip to local woods for wild garlic or mushrooms,” he says.
Things were more challenging for Gemma Hindi (@earthwildlondon), an outdoor educator who lives in south London with her son (whom she prepared separate meals for). Previously a vegetarian, she realised she needed meat for vital protein and fat.
“Fat became a precious resource in a way I’d never considered. This diet changed how I view food,” she says. Still, early on, she admits to almost giving up due to lack of energy, brain fog and time constraints.

Persevering, Hindi regularly visited Bore Farm in Kent, whose owners gave her free rein to weed for burdock, chicory and dandelion roots (which she says are great baked in the oven or dry roasted to create caffeine-free coffee).
“This was hugely helpful as it’s illegal to dig up roots in the wild,” Hindi notes [Under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, it is unlawful to uproot any wild plant without permission from the landowner or occupier]. Trips to the coast, meanwhile, provided mackerel, mussels and sea beet (beetroot’s ancient ancestor). “I realised that to thrive I had to follow the food, mimicking nomadic hunter-gatherers”.
Her efforts were worth it. Having suffered from severe PMT all her adult life, Hindi reports that her symptoms completely lifted during the diet.
“After the first month, I noticed that my periods were less painful and I no longer had PMT which was a huge relief,” she says. But having since returned to a regular diet (though free from gluten, dairy, refined sugar, caffeine and ultra-processed foods), Hindi’s symptoms have returned. Now, she is experimenting with wild plants to see what helps. So far, she has discovered that dandelion root aids digestion and combats water retention and IBS symptoms (all which often come with PMT).
Many plants come from Hindi’s back garden. “Most people would look at it and think it was full of weeds,” she says. “But wood avens, hairy bittercress, herb robert and cleavers and all so nutritious.”
When it comes to flavour and versatility, her hero ingredient is the humble sweet chestnut – of which she harvested hundreds during a bumper crop last autumn. “They can be sweet or savoury, mashed or crunchy, made into flour or eaten whole. I love wild chestnut flour cake, full of nuts and berries,” she says.
But surely she craves chocolate? “Surprisingly, I had no cravings during the diet,” says Hindi. “I expected to but my body must have been satisfied with the nutrients it was getting.” Wilde seconds this. “Wild food tends to fill me up much faster than conventional food. Put macaroni cheese in front of me and I could eat three servings. But when eating venison, burdock root and wild greens, I might struggle to finish my plate.”
Wild foods, Wilde points out, are often more nutritionally dense than even their organically-farmed counterparts (which have been bred for size, not nutrient density). “Dandelion has much more Vitamin A than spinach, while wild violet leaves are incredibly high in Vitamin C,” she says. She suggests that when calories are devoid of nutrition, the body craves more – meaning we overeat.
Of course some items can be poisonous or dangerous to eat, so practice caution. The Food Standards Agency says: “Always make sure you know exactly what it is that you are picking. If you have any doubt, leave it where it is. It’s a good idea to use a guidebook or go with an experienced guide to help you identify what is edible, versus what could be harmful.” They warn against wild mushrooms, or hemlock and hemlock water dropwort which can “easily be mistaken for wild celery or wild parsnip but are potentially lethal”. It also says that even safe plants aren’t safe for everyone. “There are some plants which are not advised to eat during pregnancy, or if you have certain underlying health conditions. To be on the safe side, consult with a healthcare professional.”
Most of our common edibles have poisonous lookalikes so I would advise only going foraging with someone knowledgeable at first or foraging with a good guide but not eating anything you find to start with. With time and a little experience there is plenty you can pick and enjoy safely.
The key reason this diet is so good for us (and the planet) is because it is what nature intended, says Wilde. “Eating wild food means eating seasonal food,” she explains. “Our bodies were designed to digest different foods at different times. When we eat things out of season – growing them artificially or flying them from across the world – there are problems for our health and the environment.” Eating wild food, she says, helps restore natural order.
Of course, Wild concedes that a wholly foraged diet isn’t feasible for most people – or the planet. “People say things like, ‘if everybody went out and foraged, there wouldn’t be enough’. I’m not expecting everybody to live entirely on foraged food. But there’s no shortage of nettles. Or dandelions. We could all eat more of those.”
Monica hopes to repeat the project in 2025. Learn more by following @wildbiomeproject and Monica Wilde @monicawilde on Instagram.