Nicky Haslam, at 84 years old, is not one to hide his light under a bushel. His own website says that his “greatest legacy is his undeniable talent and influence as Britain’s ultimate interior designer”. Some might argue with this claim, but there is no denying that the great-great-great-great grandson of the 2nd Earl of Bessborough is a man of singular substance, a self-appointed arbiter of manners, and a quintessential English curio who sounds like he could have been the love child of Peter York and Brian Sewell.
And around this time of the year, for the past five years, he stirs the national consciousness with his annual litany of “Things Nicky Haslam Finds Common”. These are listed on a Haslam-designed tea towel, which is available to purchase for £40. One signed by Haslam himself is £45. Or it may be the other way round? Who knows? All I do know is that old Nicky seems to be having a joke at our expense, and why shouldn’t he enjoy himself, parading his purportedly flawless taste (and enunciation) on the nation’s broadcast outlets to explain why, this year for instance, drinking an Aperol Spritz makes one “common”.
That’s not to say there’s no value in Haslam’s exercise, particularly at a time when we might need such frippery. Rather like the yearly catalogue of words that have made it into the Oxford English Dictionary, Haslam’s list – a mixture of phrases he hates, people and places he doesn’t care for, trends he abhors, and, frankly, a few baroque prejudices – does provide some insight into changing fashions and the ephemera of modern life.
Is he right to describe his pet hates as common, in the haughty sense of the word? I think it’s very hard to make a case that “swans” (in the 2018 list) are common (they always seem elegantly presented and stylish to me), and the same goes for Scottish accents (2019), exclamation marks (2018) and, bizarrely, the Northern Lights, an inclusion this year which raises the question: what have the Northern Lights ever done to Nicky Haslam?
Nevertheless, there is no doubting that Haslam has a keen ear for fashionable linguistic tics, and the sound bites of the moment, and I share his hatred of, for example “110 per cent”, which is so ubiquitous that I have even annoyed myself by using it. Likewise, “moreish”, “bon appetit”, “bye-bye” and “let’s unpack that”.
In this, Haslam reveals himself as a latter-day Nancy Mitford, who, in 1955, shared with the world what she thought was “U” (upper class) and Non-U (the rest of us), a distinction that separated society into those who said “lavatory” and those who said “toilet”, those who had “dinner” and those who had “tea”, those who used a “napkin” and those who used a “serviette”.
We live in a much more demotic and inclusive world today, but the fact that we are still prepared to engage with the concept of what’s “common” illustrates that Haslam, like Nancy M before him, connects with our inner snob. Or maybe, in the predeliction of the day, it’s a question of what’s “uncool” rather than the more perjorative “common”.
In which case, I can’t help nodding enthusiastically to some of this year’s objects of mockery, which I would label instead: “Things I Don’t Care For”. Like “strawberries”, “Aperol”, “remote controlled lawnmowers”, and “Petroc Trelawny”. But I’d definitely add some of my own. For instance, “leaf blowers”, “automated ticket machines”, “box sets”, “Instagram” and “Jake Humphrey”.
And, of course, that which is the very height of “uncool”: a signed Nicky Haslam tea towel! (Exclamation mark just to annoy him).