The Government announced its leasehold reforms in the King’s Speech, and decided not to scrap leasehold with a full-on drive towards a system of “commonhold”, which is the way flats are organised in the rest of the world outside England and Wales.
As someone who has lobbied hard for the Government to do these things, it was shame, but probably realistic for an administration with a year of life left in it.
I can cheer myself up, however, with the imminent assault that is about to be unleashed on the income streams of leasehold. This means an end to inflated service charges, fiddling the insurance commissions, gaming the lease extension racket and creating a raft of triffling objections to “right to manage” – the process whereby leaseholders gain responsibility for managing the block from a freeholder determined to monetise it.
All in all, these measures – with a few others not in the legislative programme but already under way – amount to a pro-consumer cultural sea change, which hopefully will at last see leaseholders treated as customers, as opposed to simply assets to be sweated by anonymous, and often offshore, private equity investors. Here is what the reforms announced in the King’s Speech will mean for you.
Extending your lease will become easier – and cheaper
Firstly, it will become cheaper and easier for existing leaseholders, in houses or flats, to extend their lease or buy their freehold.
This is a hugely lucrative racket, largely rigged by the bigger charter surveyor firms working for London’s wealthiest landlords.
Statutory lease extensions will go up from 90 years to 990, and the nonsense of leaseholders having to pay the legal and administrative costs of the landlord, as well as their own, will end.
Owners of flats in mixed-use blocks will also gain further protections. They are barred from taking over the management of the site or buying the freehold where the commercial element is 25 per cent. This will be increased to 50 per cent, allowing the leaseholders to control blocks with much more commercial property.
The selling process of leasehold properties is another monetising opportunity for landlords, with a host of largely bogus administrative fees. The reforms will set a maximum time and fee for the provision of information required to make a sale.
There will be some effort to make service charges more transparent – perhaps via a standardised comparable format that can be scrutinised and challenged, rather than the often late and fragmentary documentation that leaseholders are presented with currently.
Leaseholders funds are likely to be better protected: at present they are held in a trust account at a bank, and you more or less have to take it on trust that that they are not being plundered.
We have encountered quite a number of examples of failing managing agents simply absconding with the service charges.
A major obstacle for leaseholders seeking justice is the unbalanced nature of legal costs: they never get them back, while the landlord always does.
This means leaseholders are deterred from challenging service charges: if they spend money on lawyers they will never see the money again, and if they do not win on all counts the landlord’s legal costs will fall on them.
This is a routinely exploited area in the conflict inherent in leasehold, with landlords ratcheting up £100,000 plus legal fees over service charge deficits amounting to £6,000 or less. In no other area of civil law would the legal costs be so unbalanced, but why hold back when the law allows you to stiff the leaseholders for the bill?
The Government also has ambitions to cap existing ground rents, which are for no service at all and which can make properties unsellable, but this element of the reforms will go out to yet another ‘consultation’. The ground rent themselves cannot be simply scrapped- that would prompt a legal challenge – but they could be capped and their means of increasing challenged.
Lord Best’s report on the regulation of managing agents – supported even within the sector – is not at present part of the reforms, which is an omission addressed by housing minister Rachel Maclean to the all-party parliamentary group on leasehold last night.
Media reports have focused on the banning of leasehold houses, which should never have been spread around the country by major housebuilders in the first place.
Our activities and those of the National Leasehold Campaign have largely ended the market, but it is good to see Theresa May’s pledge to ban them is at last made good.
At the same time, there is a shockwave of other pro-consumer measures coming to this perennially scandal-prone sector: the Financial Conduct Authority attacking leasehold insurance costs; the Competition and Markets Authority now looking at managed “fleecehold” estates where streets, pavements and drains are being monetised by property management companies because local authorities have failed to adopt them.
There is also the Leasehold Advisory Service, government’s singularly useless quango that has been in thrall to the money in leasehold for far too long. Its new chair is Martin Boyd, also of the Leasehold Knowledge Partnership, appointed last week with a instruction to institute change.
Will these measures make leaseholders happier?
The Government’s own Leasehold Advisory Service found that 57 per cent of leaseholders regretted their decision to purchase a leasehold property – and that was in 2016 before the scandals involving aggressive and impossible ground rents, the scourge of leasehold houses and the eye-watering costs and stresses of the post-Grenfell building safety nightmare. So, that figure is certainly much higher today.
Perhaps with the income streams of leasehold stripped out some of our brighter housebuilders will start selling flats with commonhold tenure in order to ditch association with something widely seen as toxic.
In Michael Gove we have had a good housing secretary, for whom the legislative measures announced in the King’s Speech are almost certainly late and lacking in ambition.
But then given that his services as housing secretary were dispensed with by both the Johnson and the Truss governments, it hasn’t been a smooth path for him, either.
Sebastian O’Kelly is the CEO of the charity the Leasehold Knowledge Partnership