It is vanishingly rare for a new play to open directly in the West End, without a prior try-out in the safety net of the subsidised sector. Yet star casting will always work its magic, regardless of the quality of the drama, which explains the arrival of the inexcusably poor Lyonesse. The tasty pairing of Kristin Scott Thomas and Lily James can do nothing to salvage it.
Watching Lyonesse is akin to tumbling down a never-ending rabbit hole of bewilderment. I spent the interminable-seeming first half struggling to believe that writer Penelope Skinner intends us to take any of this even halfway seriously – and then the even-longer-seeming second wondering precisely when we would be put out of our misery. Lyonesse requires three hours to arrive at exactly the point we imagine it will within the first 10 minutes.
Kate (James) is a development executive at a female-led film production company; we’re asked to believe that she has been in the job for nearly a decade, but her all-round gullibility on matters professional makes this a tough challenge. Juggling a young child and a solipsistic bully of a husband, she’s permanently strung out and sleep-deprived.

Elaine (Scott Thomas) is a former star actress who disappeared without trace three decades previously; now living in charismatic chaos in Cornwall, she is ready to tell her story, which has tasty hints of a #MeToo-style incident with a powerful and famous man. Kate is packed off to meet her, with a view to securing the film rights. But as with Kate, it is nigh-on impossible to believe a thing about Elaine’s past professional credentials, so unconvincingly sketched are they.
Our first sight of Scott Thomas is quite the spectacle: she’s dressed in a fur coat, wellies, swimming costume, white swim cap and goggles. Elaine, it is clear, is on the exciting side of eccentric and it is apparent that Scott Thomas is relishing the opportunity to let loose with such a colourful character after years of playing stoically repressed Brits. She offers her story to Kate in the form of a fully rehearsed one-woman show – why? – and off we go in Ian Rickson’s dreary production, on and on and round and round, with barely a word of the script ringing true.
We very quickly grow tired of the sight of James running her hands over her forehead in anguish, as her sojourn on the Cornish coast encourages wild and implausible dreams of freedom. The title refers to a mythical lost kingdom that sunk off Cornwall, a heavy-handed reference that is liable to pass almost everyone by. Quite the most barking play I have seen in a long time.
To 23 December (0333 009 6690,