There is a section in Caitlin Moran’s new book, What About Men?, published this week, where she lists the positive attributes of men – loyal, brave and so on – and realises that she could also be describing the best things about dogs.
Then she goes on to say: “If men are like dogs, in some ways, then it’s no wonder that all the recent conversations about ‘masculinity being toxic’ has resulted in either a sense of depression and resignation in men; or else snapping, snarling misogyny and ‘manosphere’ nihilism. After all, if a dog starts being treated with suspicion – if it can tell people are frightened of it; if all it hears is people angrily calling it a “bad dog”; if all conversations about dogs are how bad they are – it will either slink away, under the table, crushed; or else start barking, and believing it is a bad dog.”
After her bestselling books about being female, such as How to Build a Girl and How to be a Woman, this time Moran has felt the need to focus on what has become known as “the crisis in masculinity”.
“This isn’t a feminist trick,” she assures readers, having spent years batting off the question in the book’s title. “We’re genuinely worried about you.”
Her dog analogy immediately made me think of my friend Sara B, who nine years ago, took her son out of his co-ed primary school because he was called a “toxic male”, to his face, by one of his teachers. He was seven at the time. I call Sara for a catch-up.
“I would consider myself a feminist, very much,” Sara tells me. “And at first I thought that the primary school was great and progressive. But then it became apparent that Seth was being drip-fed the message that he was irredeemably bad. He was actually being a bit wild, but after the toxic male thing, which the school wouldn’t back down on, I was so furious that I took him out.

“His next school was a strict single-sex place with loads of running about and rote learning, all retro stuff that I had been a bit ‘over my dead body’ about, but he cheered up overnight.”
Seth is now 16 and seems happy and well adjusted: he is a keen surfer, he wants to be an architect. “I’m not sure about the boy-dog comparison,” she adds, “but I agree that telling boys that they are bad can make them worse.”
The PR for Men plc has, for some time now, been terrible. The message is that men start wars, commit the majority of violent crime, build the products that are slowly destroying the world, grope women, mansplain and weaponise their incompetence. Do I need to go on?
These criticisms aren’t baseless, but is the current laser-focus on all things rotten – and the “cure” of just telling men and boys that they are the absolute worst – working? Or has it simply given us poisonous misogynists like Andrew Tate?
Alex Bilmes, the editor of Esquire magazine, who has spent 25 years working in men’s magazines, believes the message is falling wide of the mark.
“The idea that masculinity is in crisis is not new,” says Bilmes. “But certainly the way Esquire represents masculinity has changed in the last 10 or 15 years and it is entirely different and better.
“Old-fashioned masculinity is a nightmare, I remember it well – you just had to be tough, no feelings, no crying, no vulnerability. The idea of what it is to be a man is completely different now, it’s much broader. Until quite recently you had to have this armour on all the time, now I think it’s OK just to be a nice bloke.”
And it’s true that – at least where I live – it is totally normal to see men pushing buggies, wearing Birkenstocks. I’m pretty sure that didn’t happen when I was a teenager. It’s also the case that the men I meet day-to-day, unless they grow fangs and horns once I leave, don’t really fit the women-hating, world-ending mould.

Of course not, says Bilmes. He says it is important to remember that Andrew Tate and the like are “fringe lunatics”. He adds: “There’s always a backlash to any big cultural or societal movement from pockets of nutters and it is a function of social media that they are handed a megaphone.”
It is stating the bleeding obvious that peri-teenagers, throughout the ages, have sought to rebel to various degrees. Andrew Tate is today’s go-to if you want to shock adults in your life: he is a modern day Eminem or any other historical poster boy that teens have used to scare the pants off grown-ups. This is possibly the reasoning behind DfE guidance to schools not to discuss Andrew Tate in class – he is just a phase and best ignored.
Ally Fogg, chair of the charity Men and Boys Coalition, thinks that there is too much focus on Andrew Tate as an individual and not enough questions asked about the online culture that has produced him – a grisly submerged iceberg of misogyny, incels and so on. It is a culture that encourages teens and young men to withdraw entirely from society, to reject it before it rejects them.
“I don’t want to add to a moral panic about this subculture,” he says, “I doubt any boy who feels loved and secure will be drawn to it, but I don’t think we can dismiss it as a passing phase.
“The question almost nobody seems to want to ask is: how and why did so many boys become so depressed, angry, socially isolated and lost that this kind of stuff looks appealing to them in the first place, and shouldn’t we do something about that?”
Fogg says the problem for boys is not the way they are being spoken to (although he says the phrase “toxic masculinity” will cause instant shut-down with young men), it’s more a genuine feeling of aimlessness and hopelessness. He thinks the answer lies in a joint alliance of economics and policy.
“Unless we come to grips with the reality that huge proportions of boys and men really are looking at a lost future with comparatively poor academic prospects and career ambitions and that huge numbers of them really are struggling with their mental health, their self-esteem and self-belief then we’re never going to sort out the problem.”
Yes, men commit the majority of violent crime but, says Fogg, we conveniently forget that a proportion of boys in any classroom will also witness violence at home and be subject to abuse.
Boys need to be offered more options, he says. For example, how about having a bit more of a two-way street when it comes to marketing non-traditional subjects cross-gender?
For years there has been a push towards opening up STEM subjects to girls (progress is slow, but positive), but there has been no counter-campaign encouraging more boys towards health, education, administration and literacy. With the new breadth of possible masculine identities for men that Bilmes outlined, doesn’t there also need to be some sort of imaginable future life for boys, which isn’t either “footballer” or “gamer”?
“We just assume that boys and men can just look after themselves, they don’t need help,” adds Fogg. “That is a very patriarchal assumption, that they are masters of their own destiny and if they fail it’s their fault.”
Whichever way you cut it, Western society is in a critical moment of transition when it comes to men. This current “bad dog” phase doesn’t seem to be helping anyone. Are we overdue a vibe shift?
‘What About Men?’ by Caitlin Moran (Ebury, £22) is out on 6 July