In our weekly series, readers can email in with any question about retirement and pension savings to be answered by our expert, Tom Selby, head of retirement policy at investment platform AJ Bell. There is nothing he doesn’t know about pensions. If you have a question for him, email us at
Question: I am 59, earn £90,000, a year and have a small defined benefit (DB) pension that matures in five months. It will pay me £22,000 a year (or £114,000 in cash and £17,000 a year).
I’m still working so don’t need the income now. If I defer, they will add 4 per cent to the value of my pension income for each year. However, I’m considering taking the pension and using that as an alternative to salary. I could then pay more from my salary (salary sacrifice) into my company pension, which stands at only £130,000.
Is this an option? Which would be the more sensible route? If I defer, although it increases by 4 per cent, am I in effect saving the pension company money?
Answer: For those not familiar with pensions jargon, a DB pension promises to pay you an income from a set age (your ‘Normal Retirement Age’). The value of your DB pension is usually determined by your salary (either ‘career average’ or ‘final’) and the number of years you have been a member of the scheme.
For example, someone who is a member of a career average DB scheme that offers a 1/60ths accrual rate will build up an entitlement to 1/60th of their career average salary each year they are a member of the scheme. If their career average salary was £60,000 and they were a member of the scheme for 20 years, they would be entitled to an income of £20,000 a year from their normal retirement age, which will be set out in the scheme rules. This income usually comes with inflation protection and a promise to pay your spouse an income, often 50 per cent of the income you have been promised, if you die.
As you say, DB members can also normally access a tax-free lump sum when they reach Normal Pension Age, although this often involves accepting a reduction in promised income in return.
While a pension income of £22,000 a year might not feel substantial, bear in mind it is inflation-protected and will be paid every year until you die. The fact you can receive it from age 60 makes it incredibly valuable. To give you an idea of just how valuable, if a healthy 60-year-old wanted to buy an annuity (a guaranteed income for life paid by an insurance company) worth about £22,000 a year and paying a 50 per cent spouse’s pension on death, they might need a pension pot worth well over £500,000.
Some DB schemes will, as you suggest, allow you to defer taking your DB income and provide you with an uplift for each year you choose to defer. The rate of increase you receive will be determined by the scheme’s actuary and should, in theory, be set a neutral rate. Whether or not deferring will pay off in pounds and pence terms will depend on the deferral rate you are offered and how long you live for.
Salary sacrifice
Turning to the question of what you should do, I can only offer general guidance rather advice based on your personal situation. If you want someone to consider your overall financial circumstances and recommend a course of action, speak to a regulated financial adviser.
Salary sacrifice is a method of contributing to a defined contribution (DC) workplace pension whereby you accept a reduction in salary and your employer promises to pay an equivalent amount into your pension. A DC pension is simply a pension where you have your own pot of money that is invested over the long-term.
Where DB provides a guaranteed but inflexible income, a DC pension can be accessed in any way you like from age 55 (rising to 57 in 2028), providing additional flexibility and extra responsibility for managing your pot. You will also usually be entitled to an employer contribution, at least up to the minimum level set by automatic enrolment (and often above this level).
The key benefit of salary sacrifice is that because your wages are lowered, it saves both you and your employer National Insurance contributions. Often (but not always), your employer will share their NI savings with you too. In addition, you’ll benefit from upfront pension tax relief (as it is salary sacrifice you should get all your tax relief automatically) and tax-free investment growth.
One thing to bear in mind when considering salary sacrifice is the impact it might have if you are made redundant. As your salary will be reduced, it is possible your redundancy entitlement will be reduced too. Taking less salary could also affect things like maternity and paternity pay, mortgage applications and some state allowances.
A key thing to consider in making your decision is the value you place on flexibility versus certainty. By choosing to defer your DB pension, you would effectively be opting for extra secure pension income in the future.
By contrast, if you take the income from age 60 and use the savings to contribute to a DC pension pot via salary sacrifice, you will have a larger flexible pot that will need to be invested and managed over the course of your retirement.