When most of us have jet lag, we can be hard-pressed to string a full sentence together. When Sue Perkins has jet lag, she veers from brilliant anecdote to soul-searching reflection and back again, all while managing to be the most excellent famous-person company I’ve kept in quite some time.
Just like on the telly, she is all warmth, wit and self-deprecation which, doubled with compassion and an endless curiosity, is what makes her a master of the comedians-do-travel-docs movement.
The current jet lag comes courtesy of a stint in Alaska, where she immersed herself in the interior of the 49th state for a new Channel 5 series. “It was utterly insane, in a great way. Grizzly bears, gun shooting ranges, baby moose – it was everything all at once,” she says.
It is not her first travel show in Alaska, having previously driven the 400-mile Dalton Highway for a BBC documentary on the world’s most dangerous roads. “I nearly died there and there were some hairy experiences this time around, but it was fascinating. I’m always interested in landscapes, but nothing beats people and their stories.”
Perkins’ TV travel docs have taken in everything from an extraordinary journey in Tibet (the highlight being a visit to a female monastery looking out over the Tibetan Plateau where they blew huge horns that curled like a Turkish slipper) to last year’s Netflix series Perfectly Legal, which involved a Mexican death cult and white-water rafting with Colombian sex workers. “I’m obsessed with people,” she reiterates. “I’m like ‘What have you got, what are you eating, what’s your house like, can I come in? Tell me everything and I’ll tell you everything too.”
She recounts a moving moment while learning what to do if a grizzly bear comes for you in Alaska – the kind of training we don’t have much use for in this country. “The guy training me was a real hardman and he said, ‘You remind me of my daughter, I lost her.’ He broke down and I just grabbed him and we ended up gripping each other for about 20 minutes and sobbing, with me talking about how I lost my dad. That’s why I do it: to have a connection with people. I’d never get bored of that,” she says.
“The role of the presenter is really just to be a sponge, not to know anything, but to go and talk to brilliant people who do know things, to have fun on viewers’ behalf, see things most never get to see, and be enthused and grateful about it.”
Now 54, Perkins is very much herself both on and off screen, but she looks back at her early TV career – when she landed Light Lunch with long-time comedy other-half Mel Giedroyc, their gateway into the industry – and sees someone ill at ease with themselves.

“It was a version of me in those early days that I thought was a better version, a bit more sanitised, a less gay version. And the thing I’m proudest of – whether people do or don’t like it – is my evolution from that person to who I am now. Now, there is no difference between me on camera and off,” she considers.
“I learnt from that first moment on television, when I was trying to be know-it-all and clever-clever, and not weird and anxious and gay, that the more I lent into being unashamed of who I am and who I choose to sleep with and became the unfashionable, idiotic, complicated person that I am, the happier I felt. It’s easier to be the same person on camera as off. I don’t have to prepare, I don’t have to get into the role. I look back on that time and think, ‘God, what a journey.’”
It has been a stellar career and, since leaving a major hallmark of it seven years ago when she and Giedroyc walked away from The Great British Bake Off, Perkins has not only channelled her inner Michael Palin, she has also become the new host of Radio 4’s Just A Minute and finally been persuaded to become a Taskmaster contestant. She can be seen on the current run being “utterly unfocused and shambolic and not really reading the card very often, so I’m never really doing what I’m supposed to be doing”.
She is nothing if not diverse, regularly dabbling in the literary world too, most recently as a judge of the Kindle Storyteller Awards. “I’ve always been an avid reader, but the genres I’m drawn to have changed. I was a Booker judge in 2009, reading all these heavy tomes about time-travelling philosophers or the history of a goat in ancient Persia. Then I got asked to do a documentary called The Books We Really Read and got a chance to read popular fiction. I became obsessed with Lee Child and read Sophie Kinsella and it opened my mind to the gulf between what you’d like people to think you’re reading and what you’re actually reading.”

Judging the awards has introduced her to a raft of voices. “These are people who’ve self-published, who haven’t been funnelled through conventional publishing houses. They believe in their work enough to say, ‘I’m pressing send out into the world’,” she says.
“It’s easy to have a platform now with YouTube. If you want to be a gob on a stick, like I am, there are many monetised avenues where you can video yourself in the bedroom talking about shoes. But, in the publishing world, that sort of democratising process hasn’t existed until fairly recently. They say everyone’s got a book in them, so why shouldn’t everyone be able to get a book out of them?”
Perkins has so far got two books out of herself: a memoir, Spectacles, and East of Croydon: Blunderings Through India and South East Asia, chronicling her many adventures.
What, if she were forced to choose, would be number one in her absolute most memorable travel experiences?
“Going up the Himalayas and hallucinating because of the lack of oxygen and having to do it on all fours because I was so unfit,” she says after a short deliberation. “We started from a village called Gangotri, which is already about 4,000ft up and were told to smell this local herb called tulsi to make our lungs work – but it didn’t make my lungs work because, I tell you what, tulsi is not as good as a tank of oxygen,” she says.
“We started losing lots of the crew. Our sound guy’s heart rate went really high in the altitude, so he was sent down the mountain; the fixer’s chest started hurting, so he was sent down the mountain. Meanwhile, I was slightly hallucinating – my dad had just passed and I was convinced he’d taken on the form of a blackbird that was hopping next to me and I was chatting to him the whole way up.”
As if the not breathing and hallucinations weren’t enough of a bind, they had to bed down in a shack riddled with mice. “I’m phobic about mice and the crew were trying to hide the fact they were there – until one ran over the cameraman’s beard while he was lying down. In the middle of the night, I was aware of some movement, put my head torch on and a family of mice had pulled a snack bar out of my coat and were eating it.

“We finally got to the top and I thought, ‘This is where I deliver my Bafta-winning piece to camera about landscape and communion.’ I had to put my own make-up on and I’m terrible at doing it, so I’ve got smeared lips, I’ve got vertical lines on my face from being so dehydrated, I can’t breathe and it sounds like wasps in my lungs. I basically just fell over because I was so exhausted. And then I burst into tears thinking about my dad. That was the worst in terms of being able to really do my job and tell people what I’m experiencing.”
The way back down was rather more wonderful. “I got to go down the mountain on a donkey and literally 2ft to the left was a sheer drop of more than 1,000ft, but I had to trust them, so I snivelled a bit and just relaxed. All this incredible colour that had disappeared in the altitude came back. It was unbelievable.”
Perkins is, it is fair to say, a tad less intrepid in her travels outside of a work context. “I hired a camper van and went to the Highlands, because I momentarily forgot my real personality. I thought, ‘I can rough it.’ I can’t. It ended up with me parked up, overlooking the magnificent Loch Torridon, realising that I bought a solar shower bag but I’m in Scotland, so there’s been no heat cast upon it. I was naked outside a camper van, foot-pumping a bag of freezing cold loch water, screaming. Then I heated up some beans and nearly blew myself up because I hadn’t properly sorted out the gas valve.”
Camping ineptitude aside, Perkins – who, when she is actually at home, lives with her beloved rescue dog, Tiggy – has found peace in midlife. “I’ve realised how much of my life I’ve spent being ashamed, self-critical, berating myself for not being enough. For my detractors, I just want to say that no one can hate on me as much as I’ve hated on myself,” she says.
“But you’re never going to look better than you do now, your body is never going to feel better. Just be in the moment. I was unable to do that until recently, so it’s like, ‘Phew I’m happy’, but what a shame I didn’t resolve that before, because I would have had an easier time of it.”
Sue Perkins is a judge of the 2023 Kindle Storyteller Award