Ultra-processed foods (UPF) are the dietary bogeyman of our times – industrially-made treats and snacks that, if eaten in excess, are thought to lead to a range of illnesses including type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
Food that is “ultra processed” contains a long list of ingredients and additives that aren’t found in a home kitchen, such as stabilisers, emulsifiers and preservatives.
And a diet packed with UPFs will be high in sugar, low in fibre, prompting overeating and raising the risk of high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and some cancers.
In the UK, 50 percent of our daily energy comes from UPF sources, rather than fresh, minimally processed food.
Yet, this category – created by Brazilian researchers, who devised the NOVA scale of food processing in 2009 – isn’t as straightforward as it first seems.
UPFs include classic junk food like ice cream, fizzy drinks and factory-made pies, but they also encompass household staples such as sliced bread and flavoured yoghurts.
Now a study of 266,666 participants has confirmed that, in fact, we can eat some UPFs without endangering our health.
Researchers taking part in the ongoing EPIC study (European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition), found there was no link between eating ultra-processed bread, cereals and ready meals and an increased risk of disease.
Indeed, bread and cereals can reduce people’s risk of developing so-called “lifestyle diseases” because they contain fibre.
“Ultra-processed foods often get a bad rap and there’s definitely a scale within the category,” says nutritionist Jenna Hope.
In fact, even nutritionists enjoy ultra-processed foods now and then.
Here five food health experts reveal the UPFs you’ll find on their shopping lists – and the hacks they use to make them healthier.
Aisling Pigott, registered dietitian
We all love sausages in our family, they can be a really useful source of protein, but they’re not an everyday food.
We have them as a family treat once a week and choose sausages that have a high percentage of meat, or we’ll pick vegan alternatives, and combine them with mash, lots of vegetables and gravy.
Sweetened yoghurts are also on our shopping list. They’re technically an ultra-processed food but my children love fromage frais, which is a really convenient pudding and a good source of calcium.
Baked beans are technically a UPF, but they are absolutely delicious and they count as one of your five-a-day. Beans, eggs and chopped tomato on toast is a quick and easy lunchtime meal during a busy weekend.
UPFs have their place – we mustn’t forget about dietary balance, as well as the composition of an entire meal, with lots of fruit and veg.
And when you’re having a tough day and taking some short cuts – be kind to yourself.

Orange Squash
Priya Tew, registered dietitian specialising in eating disorders
We have a big family – there are eight of us, two adults and six children – and UPFs can help provide a meal that everyone enjoys.
We make our own bread for the weekends but during the week we tend to have shop-bought bread.
Having squash with no-added sugar helps the kids drink more water and some of us only drink plant milk, so soya milk (which is classed as UPF) is a must.
We also buy UPF breakfast cereal which we use as a topping or a sweetener on a wholegrain cereal such as wheat bisks.
I bake flapjacks and cake for packed lunches but towards the end of the week, we’ll rely on ultra-processed snacks, such as emergency cereal bars.
Baked beans are also always in the cupboard for a quick meal on a jacket potato with salad.
My mantra with UPFs is “reduce but not restrict”. I don’t think we need to cut them out, but it’s a good idea to assess how much of these foods you eat and then think about ways you can make some swaps.
If some of these foods are ones you especially love, then cutting them out of your diet can lead to you craving them more.

Lentil Crisps
Jenna Hope, registered nutritionist and author of the upcoming book, How To Stay Healthy (Piatkus, out 7 Dec)
I really enjoy being able to grab a packet of lentil crisps on the go, or snacking on them with some hummus.
Lentil crisps can be a healthier alternative to regular crisps as they’re higher in protein and fibre, however, they still constitute an ultra-processed food.
But finding a balance between eating nutritious foods and enjoying the foods you’re eating is key.
I’m also a big fan of almond milk in my morning matcha which is fortified with vitamins D and B12, but the nature of fortified products means that they often have to contain emulsifiers and additives for the nutrients to be able to stabilise in the product, making them UPF.
Whilst there absolutely can be a place for some UPFs, be aware of the type and how often you’re eating them. It’s important to assess your diet as a whole and see what percentage consists of fresh foods vs ultra processed.
Often those typical ultra-processed foods such as the snacks and processed ready meals and some breakfast cereals can be much higher in salt, fat and sugar which are all designed to taste great and therefore encourage us to buy more and consume more.
And these ultra-processed foods higher in sugar, salt and fat are the ones we want to try to limit in the diet.

Baked Beans
Dr Linia Patel, dietitian and performance nutritionist
The UPFs I tend to eat are on the more nutritious end of the spectrum: Marmite, which is a good source of vitamin B12 and potassium; miso paste, a traditional Japanese fermented food that I use for flavour, and baked beans, which are a fantastic source of fibre.
I eat baked beans on a baked potato with cheese and a side salad, which is a quick, filling, cost-effective and nutrient dense meal.
We don’t want to categorise food into good or bad – it’s the context and overall dietary pattern.
So if UPFs come into your diet, take them up a level by adding some vegetables, herbs and spices or add some fermented foods on top, to boost the variety of plants in your diet.
For instance, if I have a bowl of bran flakes, which, based on the NOVA classification, are UPF, I’ll add an apple for some phytonutrients and fibre.
Try following this formula: fill half your plate with vegetables, a quarter with wholegrain carbohydrates and the rest with lean protein and a portion of healthy fats such as avocado or extra virgin olive oil.
Eat this 80 per cent of the time, and eat what you want for the remaining 20 per cent.

Gut health nutritionist Yalda Alaoui founder of the anti-inflammatory platform Eat Burn Sleep
I am in remission from two autoimmune conditions, so I follow an anti-inflammatory diet that’s full of whole foods, vegetables, nuts, and healthy fats.
But I love ketchup, hot sauce and mayonnaise which can be UPFs, so my attitude is about damage limitation.
Ketchup does contain sugar, but you eat so little at a time that it makes little difference to your blood glucose levels.
I also buy treats – such as Haribo sweets and ice cream – for my two sons as it’s important for me that they don’t feel deprived and can learn how to self-regulate with food.
Many adults with eating disorders have been restricted as children or they’ve been taught that food is a reward, and I’m careful to avoid both scenarios.
Sometimes it’s hard to avoid UPFs but you can still make healthier choices.
Let’s say you’re at a petrol station. It’s unlikely that you will find unprocessed food, but look for something with a low glycaemic index that won’t spike your blood sugar, and which doesn’t have emulsifiers and thickeners that can damage the gut long term and lead to inflammation.
In that situation processed chicken might be the healthier option than a chocolate bar.